Friday, February 18, 2011

Photoshop Note No. 7

To copy an image onto another image = Drag the layer to the image and drop it there.

To transform the shape of an image = CTRL + T

ZOOM OUT if you can't see the handles of your picture.
HOLD DOWN SHIFT when you use Transform.
When you're Done transforming the image, click ENTER.

Shortcut to Adjusting brush sizes
Square Brackets*

Click once > Click Shift > Click again, and you get a line from one point to the other.

Use Hard Brushes around Sharp-Edged objects
TO BLEND = Soft Brush + Low Opacity

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Photoshop Note No. 6

Navigate = Spacebar / Navigation Box / Hand Tool

Default Colours = Black and White
[click on the smaller boxes to get back to default]

SELECTIONS* important.important.important.*


Subtract = ALT

Deselect = CTRL + D

Invert = CTRL + SHIFT + I

To bring a selection back = CTRL + Click the THUMBNAIL.




Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photoshop Note No. 5

To Select several layers at a time, click SHIFT.

To Edit the background layer, DOUBLE CLICK AND RENAME.

Shortcut to Fill = ALT + DELETE

To get your 1 Selection back = CTRL + CLICK ON THE LAYER

Do Detective work by Slowly turning each layer off  [to see which one is messing you up..]


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to make a Dropshadow

1. Use the Text Tool and type out your name.


3. Duplicate the layer by dragging it to the "New Layer" icon.


5. Edit > Fill > Black.

6. Turn the Lock OFF.

7. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. 

8. Reduce Opacity.

9. Drag the copy underneath the text layer as a shadow. (:

How to make a BLAPPLE. (:

1. Quick Selection Tool to select the background.

2. Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to select the stem.

3. Invert the selection.

4. Click on the Layer Adjustment [Hue/Saturation].

Monday, February 14, 2011

Photoshop Note No. 2

Deselect = Ctrl + D

Inverse = Shift + Ctrl + I

To get an image on another layer = 

1. a Selection is needed
2. Copy + Paste / Drag the image onto the other image

To turn layer on/off = click the eyeball

To fill object ONLY [Shadows] = click Lock Transparency

Blur = Filter --> Blur --> Glossien Blur


Friday, February 11, 2011

Photoshop Note No. 1

To save selection : Select --> Save Selection

To open selection : Select --> Load Selection

Change Colour : Image --> Adjustments --> Hue/Saturation

Zoom In to make Selections

Add to Selection : Shift

Subtract from a Selection : Alt


Space Bar = Space Bar

Zoom In = Space Bar + Ctrl

Zoom Out = Space Bar + Alt

Monday, February 7, 2011

Principles of Design -- Asymmetrical Balance

What is Asymmetrical Balance ?

A composition that may seem symmetrical, but is really off-centre due to the elements within it. The composition may be thrown-off by different shapes, difference in the sizes of elements, and more.

At the first-glance, this image may seem symmetrical. It is the difference between each wall that makes this image asymmetrical.

This image displays asymmetrical balance due to the different number of stones on each side.

This image also seems symmetrical, but it is the collection of branches on the tree in the right-hand corner that throws it off.

Principles of Design -- Symmetrical Balance

What is Symmetrical Balance ?

A composition that is equivalent on both sides -- through shape, weights, sizes, etc.

If these pictures were to be divided into two, both sides would be identical.

Principles of Design -- Emphasis

What is Emphasis ?

The special recognition given to something.

This picture shows emphasis for out of the entire field of flowers, there is one flower that stands out the most.


This picture displays emphasis for only the center of the flower is coloured. It is this bright yellow part of the flower that is emphasized.

This image shows emphasis for there is only one plant that is focused. The rest of the field of flowers is all just a blur.

Principles of Design -- Proportion

What is proportion ? 

The relationship between objects according to size, amount, or number.

This picture displays proportion for the two objects are similar, yet they are different due to their size.

        This image shows proportion because of the size of the squirrel compared to the size of the finger. 


This image shows proportion due to the difference in size of the primates and their instruments.

Principles of Design -- Rhythm

What is Rhythm ?

Movement distinguished with regular repetition of the elements.

As you can see, this picture displays rhythm through the flow   in the waves.

This image displays rhythm through the trunks of the trees. You can see the repetition and the movement on the trunks.

This picture shows rhythm through the continuous line of picket on the picket fence.

Principles of Design -- Harmony

What is Harmony ?
The appealing agreement between unique elements.

These pictures show harmony for it is the different parts that work together to create a peaceful relationship.

These pictures show harmony for it is the different parts [Ying and Yang, black and white stones] that work together to create a peaceful relationship.

Not only does this image display balance, but the dark and white chocolates work together and create a symphonious relationship.

The above image displays colour harmony. Purple and yellow are contrasting colours, so together, they too formulate a peaceful relationship.

Elements of Design -- Colour

What is colour ?

The quality of light which produces a perspective of visual sensation. It is the wavelengths of the light that distinguish each colour.




These pictures demonstrate colour through the variety of each colour, as they distinguished from one another.

Elements of Design -- Texture

What is texture ?

The characteristics of an object's surface.

This represents texture because of the rough surface this image displays. You are able to distinguish which parts of the surface are smoother than others.

           This image displays texture through the peeling paint on the rough surface. The texture appears as flaky.

This image displays texture through the numerous pieces of broken glass. Because of this, the image appears as "sharp."

Elements of Design -- Shape

What is Shape ?

A contained form in which a figure can be represented, created from lines that have joined together. They can be expressed as 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional.

The above represents shape through the variety of figures that overlap each other in the picture [squares, triangles, circles].

These two images display 3-dimensional shape through food. The ramen is formed together to create a sphere-like shape, while the green peas are formed to create a cube-like shape.

Elements of Design -- Line

What is a line ?

A line is a continuous mark that can be expressed as curved, jagged, straight and much more. They are usually used to create shapes and other images. 

This image shows lines in the same colour and length, but at different widths.

This image shows that lines don't always have to be straight. These curved lines just go on and on..

This represents line and emphasis because of the bright yellow line that runs through the image.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thank God It's Friday..


Coming back from the exam break and having to trudge through 9 periods was tough. 
So I guess you could call today the first Legit day of semester 2..
It can't be That bad, riiiiight ? Wrong. I miss the opportunity of going to sleep at 1, and waking up at 12..
Freedom won't be back in a long time..

Buuuuuut Thank God It's Friday.
At least we'll be able to experience Some freedom this weekend. (:
Unfortunately, after first period, we've Already been given an assignment due after this weekend..   Mr. Sanger, could you please be..merciful ? We Just got back from the exam break. ):
AHWELL, as my english teacher mentioned yesterday : you will continue to receive deadlines -- it's a part of life. :\

&& HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR ! those who celebrate it. (:
Apparently our science teacher skipped in order to celebrate. haha.

OHYAY. class is over. only a few more hours till the weekend..